Two armfuls of sweetness – Boston Public Garden

I love my job. I mean, seriously, who wouldn’t love to hang out with these two cutie pies? I met this lovely family about a year ago when baby C was first born; right then I could tell that big sister M was already loving her new role. For this session, miss M made sure little C didn’t go too far without her and little C seemed to accept her hugs and smooches without (much) hesitation. They are two tiny peas in a pod and I can already see them quibbling about stealing each others’ clothes and conspiring against their parents to get out of doing chores. But for now, they seemed happy to just walk around, strike some poses, and be as cute as can be. Little C was a bit on the serious side; big sister M had a flare all things silly. All in all, these two are quite the pair, keeping their mommy and daddy on the move and quick on their feet.

Kyla and Jason, your girls are awesome – I just loved seeing them again and witnessing their growing relationship. Thank you for the opportunity to hold this time still for you two for just a bit. To view the complete gallery, click here (password protected; please contact either the family or me if interested).




photographystephanie goryl

stephanie [at] stephaniegorylphotography [dot] com

Wakefield, MA

(just north of Boston)